今夜は26年来お付き合いしている私達の友達Steveの誕生日会でした〜🍾お互い歳を取ったけど、中身は全く変わらない️Steveはいつも優しい人だお互いにいい年を重ねて健康に気をつけていきましょうねこれからも宜しく〜🥂#ハワイ#誕生日会#いつになっても#大切な仲間#居酒屋#ちばけん#アットホームなお店#お世話になりました Tonight was a birthday party for our friend Steve, who we've known for 26 years 🍾.We've both gotten older, but we're still the same person.Steve is always a sweet guyLet's both have a good old age and take care of our healthKeep in touch🥂#Hawaii#Birthdayparty #Always#Valuablefriends #Izakaya#Chibaken#At home#Thankyouforyour hospitality!
About The Author
Kuub Cosmetics