ワクチン接種全員終了スタッフ全員ワクチン接種を無事終了いたしました。ご来店頂くお客様には、お手数ですが体温検査と手の消毒に引き継ぎご協力お願いしています️またご不便をおかけしていますが、お部屋の消毒等の為、ご予約は1時間空いて次のご予約をお受けしていますのでご理解ご協力をお願いします♀️本日も最後までお読み頂きありがとうございます♪Mahalo#ハワイ#ワクチン接種#全員終了#安心安全#引き継ぎケア#マハロ All vaccinations completed.We are pleased to announce that all of our staff have successfully completed their vaccinations.We ask for your cooperation in taking over the temperature test and disinfecting your hands.I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but due to the disinfection of the room, we have to leave one hour for the next appointment, so please understand and cooperate with us♀️Thank you for reading to the end today.Mahalo#hawaii#vaccination#all#finished#safeandsecure#takeovercare#mahalo