今朝の朝活は、マノア滝に行ったのですが雨☂️が凄く足元が悪いので残念しました…マノアタウンは、普段からも雨が多いんですが、一時的に降って、虹が見れる事も多いので、「虹の街」や「虹の渓谷」とも呼ばれています。帰る途中にマノアタウンの景色や珍しい野鳥にも会えて良かったです🤗次回リベンジしてマノア滝の自然をお届けしますね#ハワイ#朝活#マノア#雨☂️#マノアタウン#野鳥#リベンジ #自然がいっぱい This morning's morning activity was to go to Manoa Falls, but I was disappointed because the rain ☂️ was very bad for my feet It usually rains a lot in Manoa Town, but it often rains temporarily and you can see rainbows , so it's also called "Rainbow Town" or "Rainbow Valley".It was nice to see the scenery of Manoa Town and rare wild birds on the way back 🤗.I'll revisit next time and bring you the nature of Manoa Falls #hawaii#morning#manoa #rain ☂️#manoatown#birds #nature