沢山の種類のカボチャハワイは日本のような四季はありませんが、イベントごとで1年の流れを感じます〜来月はハロウィン🧟♂️再来月は感謝祭そしてクリスマス1年が早く過ぎていきます️今年のやり残しがないか、あと3ヶ月日々大切に暮らしていきたいなぁ#ハワイ#ホールフーズ#買い物#カボチャ#もうすぐハロウィン#日々の暮らしを丁寧に Lots of different kinds of pumpkins Hawaii doesn't have four seasons like Japan, but you can feel the flow of the year with each event Next month is Halloween🧟The month after next is Thanksgiving And ChristmasThe year is going by so fast️I want to make sure I don't have any unfinished business this year, and I want to live every day of the next three months with great care #Hawaii#WholeFoods #shopping#pumpkins #Halloweencomingsoon #livingeachdaywithcare