Aloha Sunday〜今朝は張り切ってマノアまでウォーキングがてら、ファーマーズマーケットへ行く予定でしたが、雨️が降ってきたので車で向かう事にしました1pc. 雨上がりのレインボー2pc. ハワイなのに、まるでヨーロッパの街並み️3pc. モーニンググラスは、オンライン予約のみ。まだまだダイイングは♀️早くお店で食べたいなぁ…4pc. 最後お天気になり、帰りはルンルン今日も素敵な1日となりますよーに️#ハワイ#アロハサンデー#朝活#朝散歩#マノア#虹発見#新鮮な空気#癒しの時間 Aloha Sunday 〜I had planned to go to the farmer's market this morning by walking to Manoa, but it started to rain ️ so I decided to drive to Manoa1pc. rainbow after the rain2pc. even though it's Hawaii, it looks like a European town️3pc. morning glass is only available for online booking.Dying is still ♀️I can't wait to eat at the restaurant…4pc. It was a beautiful day at the end of the day.I was so happy to be back Wishing you a wonderful day ️#Hawaii#AlohaSunday #MorningActivity #MorningWalk#Manoa #DiscoveringRainbow #FreshAir#healingtime