今日は歩いてカカアコ周辺を散策がてらランチしました〜SALT(ソルト)のお店巡りの中でまだ一度も訪ねたことがなかったHighway Inn(ハワイアンフードのレストランで有名らしい)でランチを頂きましたオーダーしたHawaiian Beef Stew ($9.95 Reg.)とHighway Inn Classic Burger ($13.25)のどちらも美味しかったけど、私個人的に、バーガーの肉肉しさとタロパンがモチモチでハンバーグとの相性がバッチリそれにフレンチフライは太くてカリっとした仕上がり。いくらでも食べられるぐらい軽ーい️ Yum️ランチタイムはローカルはもちろん観光客の方も賑わっていましたよ。次回はハワイアンフードにトライしてみようと思います❣️今日もアロハな1日をお過ごしください#ハワイ#カカアコ#ハワイアンフード#レストラン#人気のお店 Today, I walked around Kakaako and had lunch I had lunch at Highway Inn (a famous Hawaiian food restaurant), which I had never visited before during my SALT tour I ordered the Hawaiian Beef Stew ($9.95 Reg.) and the Highway Inn Classic Burger ($13.25), both of which were delicious, but for me personally, the meatiness of the burger and the chewy taro bread went perfectly with the hamburger.And the French fries are thick and crispy, and so light that you can eat as much as you want. YummyDuring lunch time, the place was crowded with tourists as well as locals. I'm going to try the Hawaiian food next time❣️Have an aloha day today#Hawaii #Kaka'ako #Hawaiian food #restaurants #popular places to eat