今朝の朝活は、何年振りかのダイヤモンドヘッドに登ってきました️コロナ禍で道が舗装されたり、自動販売機でのチケット購入など色々変わってました️便利になっていい分と昔のそのままの自然な感じも残っていて懐かしみながらトレイルできました1pc. 夜明け前の空と月2pc. チケットは自動販売機で購入Visitos $5 / Kama'aina 無料[ID必要]3,4,5pc. 日の出がスタート6pc. 登る時マスク着用🤣正直キツかった〜鼻息荒くなるしでも仕方ない️7pc. ハローキティーバージョンのダイヤモンドベッドお土産8,9pc. フードトラック的なお店もあります10pc. ダイヤモンドヘッドクレーターゲートは6時からオープンです。久しぶりのトルイル、膝が笑ってます〜良い週末をお過ごしください#ハワイ#朝活#ダイヤモンドヘッド#ガッツリ山登り#気持ちいい朝#早起きは三文の徳 #アロハな1日 This morning's morning activity was the first time in years that I️ went up to the Diamond Head.Since the Corona disaster, many things have changed, including the paving of the road up to Diamond Head and the purchase of tickets from vending machines.It's a good thing that it's so convenient, but it's also a good thing that the trail is still as natural as it used to be1pc. pre-dawn sky and moon2pc. tickets purchased from vending machineVisitos $5 / Kama'aina free [ID required]3,4,5pc. sunrise starts 6pc. wear mask when climbing 🤣Honestly it was hard It's hard to breathe through your nose but we had to ️7pc. hello kitty version diamond Head souvenir.8, 9pc. food truck-like storesLooks likd yummy10pc. diamond Head CraterThe gate opens at 6am.I haven't been to Trouill in a while, having my knees about to give out Have a great weekend #Hawaii #morning activities #Diamond Head #mountain climbing #pleasant morning #Early rising is a virtue #Aloha day