2月3日は節分の日(日本の文化)今年はFisi&Riceさんで恵方巻きをオーダーしました。1本食べ切れないからちょーどいい大きさで有り難い寿司メシと中身のネタがマッチしていて、本当に美味しかった〜私が大好きなお味️今年は北北西に向いて、ガブっとかぶりつきました️食べ終わるまで、一言も喋らずお願い事をしながら食べるのはきつかったけどねぇこんな風習誰が考えたんだろう🤔アメリカには似たような風習はあるのかなぁ…#ハワイ#2月3日#節分#恵方巻き#テイクアウト#日本の文化#ハワイでも日本の心忘れない#アロハ February 3rd is Setsubun Day (Japanese Culture)This year I ordered ehomaki from Fisi&Rice.The size of the rolls was just right because I can't eat all of one It was a really good match between the sushi rice and the ingredients inside.I love the taste️This year, I️ faced north-northwest and took a big bite.It was hard to eat while making a wish without saying a word until I finished eating I wonder who came up with this custom🤔?I wonder if there's a similar custom in America…#Hawaii#February3rd#Setsubun #Ehomaki#Takeout#Japaneseculture#Don'tforgettheJapanesespiriteveninHawaii#Aloha