スタッフ紹介 第3弾🦶キューブで唯一男性セラピストのイチキ(イチキ先生)をご紹介いたします。イチキは、ハワイ州公認のマッサージライセンス保持者です。マッサージの中でも彼が専門に施術するのは、足ツボ🦶です。イチキは足ツボを色々勉強して最終的にたどり着いた中国医学の特効「官足法」を習得しました。著書 官 有謀の"足の汚れが万病の原因だった"の本をバイブルとしています。また彼は健康にいいものは、実体験をもとに効果大の時は、お客様へアドバイスもします。根っからの健康オタク️一度彼の足ツボを受けた方は、リピート間違いなし施術後は足がスッキリし、健康から雑学まで幅広くお話しますので、お客様も楽しんでお帰りになられます〜病気を未然に防ぐツールとして大人気の足ツボをお試し下さい♀️今日も最後までお読み頂きまして有難うございました#ハワイ#足ツボ#官足法🦶#サロン#健康オタク#お話し好き#楽しい#足スッキリ#毒素排出#アロハStaff Introduction Part 3🦶We would like to introduce you to our only male therapist, Ichiki.Ichiki is licensed by the State of Hawaii.He specializes in foot pressure points(Reflexology)🦶Ichiki has studied various types of foot pressure points and has finally mastered the Guan's Foot Method, a special treatment of Chinese medicine.He uses Guan Yuwen's book, "Dirty feet are the cause of all diseases" as his bible.He also advises his clients on health benefits based on his own experience.He is a health geek at heart️Once you have had his foot massage, you will definitely be a repeat customerAfter the treatment, your feet will feel refreshed.He will talk about a wide range of topics from health to trivia, so you will enjoy talking with himPlease try our popular foot massage as a tool to prevent illness.I'd like to thank you for reading to the end today#hawaii#footpressurepoints #gu anmethod🦶#salon#healthgeek#talkative#fun#refreshingfeet#exhausting toxins#aloha