家族が撮ってくれた梅の花です自宅待機期間を終了したら、朝散歩したいなぁ…今日も日中は昨日より2℃アップの17℃(東京)まで上がってますよ〜でもハワイに住んでいる私は、まだ日本の気候に身体が慣れてないわ春よ〜早く来い…#日本#品川#梅の花#春まじかMy family took this photo of the plum blossomsWhen I finish my stay at home period, I want to take a walk in the morning It's 17 degrees in Tokyo today, up 2 degrees from yesterday But living in Hawaii, my body is still getting used to the Japanese weatherSpring is coming soon… #Japan#Shinagawa#Umeblossoms#spring#comingsoon️