昨日東京から大阪の実家に戻りました。2年ぶりに家族と再会以前は母と私は同じ身長だったのに、ずいぶんと小さくなったなぁ…🥲今しか出来ない事を家族とゆっくり過ごしたいと思いまーす️#日本#大阪#jal#家族#2年ぶり#再会#一緒に過ごす時間#アロハ I returned from Tokyo to my parents' house in Osaka yesterday.Reunited with my family for the first time in two yearsMy mother and I used to be the same height, but she has become much smaller… 🥲I want to spend time with my family doing what I can only do now ️#Japan#Osaka#jal#family#reunion#after2years#time#together#aloha