今朝朝散歩に出かけたら、こんなものを見つけました〜「イノシシに注意」の貼り紙にビックリ️子供の頃よく言われてたけど…えー凄いとこに住んでいたんやぁと改めておもいましたでもまだ自然が残っていて良かった#日本#里帰り#大阪#朝散歩#近所をぶらっと#イノシシ#注意#すごっ I went for a morning walk this morning and found this The sign saying "Beware of wild boars" surprised the ️I used to get that a lot as a kid, but…I was reminded once again that I live in an amazing place But it's good to see there's still some nature left #Japan#home#Osaka#morning#walk#around#the#neighbourhood#warning#warning#warning#warning#warning#warning#warning#warning