参拝してからちょっとひと休み️五十鈴川を見ながらゆっくりと寛げるレトロなカフェ️コーヒーもマロンケーキも大満足 ご馳走様さまでした今はコロナ禍の為、普段よりどのお店も入りやすいらしいです。ひと休みしたら、おかげ横丁を散策します〜#日本#おかげ横丁#昭和#カフェ#レトロな雰囲気#ひと休み#贅沢な時間 Take a break after visiting the shrine ️A retro café where you can relax and enjoy the view of the Isuzu River ️The coffee and marron cake were both very satisfying Thanks for the food It is said that all shops are easier to get into than usual now because of the Corona disaster.After taking a break, I'm going to stroll around Okage Yokocho #Japan#Okage Yokocho#Showa#Café#Retro#Atmosphere#Break#Luxury