ワイキキにある丸亀製麺さんに凄い長蛇の列にビックリ️久しぶりのワイキキに来たら、アメリカ本土の方々で街が賑わっていました〜早く日本の方達も気軽に来れる日々をお待ちしておりまーす♀️#ワイキキ#夜の街#丸亀製麺うどん#長蛇の列#活気#アロハな夜 I️ was surprised by the huge long line at Marugame Seimen in Waikiki.It's been a long time since I've been in Waikiki, and the city was bustling with people from the US mainland We look forward to the days when Japanese people can visit us easily♀️#Waikiki #Nightlife #Marugame Udon noodles #Long queues #Lively #Aloha night