Aloha Staurday〜久々のKCCファーマーズマーケットに行ってきました残念ながらお天気は曇っていて、途中で雨☂️にもあいましたが、お野菜も買えたし楽しめましたタコ店長20年ものお知り合いに遭遇。皆んな素敵な笑顔今日も良い1日になりますね#ハワイ#ファーマーズマーケット#kcc#オーガニック#野菜#フレッシュ#コナコーヒー#アロハ🤙 It has been a long time since I visited the KCC Farmers' Market.The weather was overcast in the morning and we encountered rain on the way, but it was an enjoyable shopping experience.Manager Taco (his nickname)is happy to see some acquaintances he hasn't seen in a while. Everyone has a nice smileIt's going to be another good day in the ministry.#Hawaii #kcc #FarmersMarket #organic #vegetables #fresh #KonaCoffee#aloha