皆さんご存知かと思いますが、調べてみるとウォーキング(有酸素運動)にプラス腹筋を鍛える事でアンチエイジング効果が高いと言われていますね。腹筋を鍛える事のメリット腰痛改善_PCやスマホの使用が多い中、正しい姿勢で作業出来ていますか? 腹筋を鍛えれば自然に正しい姿勢を保つ事が出来るので腰痛の負担が軽減されます。便秘解消_腹筋が弱いと本来正しい位置にある内臓が保てなくなり身体の不調をきたします。だから腹筋鍛えて正しい位置をキープしましょう♪ 腸の刺激にも最適❣️自分に自信がつく_食べ物のコントロールや有酸素運動だけでもダイエットに効果はありますが、見た目引き締まった感や美しいボディラインを作ると内面から自然と自分に自信がついてくると思いませんか️若返り_筋力アップは代謝が上がり栄養や酸素を送りやすく、また老廃物の処理もスムーズ お肌改善OK♀️わかってはいるけどなかなか続かないんだよね…と思っている方へ隙間時間を利用して良かったら一緒に始めてみませんかちなみに私は今日からですぅ#ハワイ#朝活#筋力アップ#隙間時間#アンチエイジング効果#健康#腸活 I'm sure you all know this.If you do your research, you will find that walking (aerobic exercise) plus exercising the abdominal muscles is said to have a great anti-aging effect.Benefits of exercising your abdominal musclesImprove lower back pain_With all the use of PCs and smartphones, are you working with the correct posture? If you strengthen your abdominal muscles, you can maintain the correct posture naturally and reduce the burden of back pain.Constipation relief_When the abdominal muscles are weak, the internal organs that are originally in the correct position cannot be maintained, resulting in physical discomfort. So let's strengthen your abdominal muscles and keep them in the correct position. It's also great for stimulating your intestines❣️Build self-confidence_Controlling food and aerobic exercise alone are effective for weight loss, but don't you think you will naturally build self-confidence from the inside out by creating a toned appearance and beautiful body line️Rejuvenation_Improving muscle strength increases metabolism, facilitates the delivery of nutrients and oxygen, and also facilitates the smooth disposal of waste Improve your skinFor those who know what they are doing but can't seem to continue….If you want to start with us, why don't you take advantage of your free timeBy the way, I'm starting today #Hawaii #morning workout #strengthening #gap time #anti-aging effects #health #intestinal activity