アロハ〜It's Monday.朝から虹が差し掛かり、風景画を描いている女性がいて、なんだか長閑な1日がスタートしそう❣️岩場に数匹の猫ちゃんも日向ぼっこ ホッコリしますね今日も素敵な1日をお過ごし下さいね️️️#ハワイ#朝活#ハワイの朝#海の透明度#長閑な朝#週の始まり#アロハAloha It's Monday.A rainbow shining in the morning, a woman painting a landscapeit's going to be kind of a long and quiet start to the day.A few cats are also sunning themselves on the rocky beach It's so relaxing Have a great day today️️️#Hawaii #morning activities #morning in Hawaii #sea clarity #long quiet morning #beginning of the week #aloha