マノア地区のお天気はとても変わりやすいんですが、今朝は空気が澄んでいて安定したお天気でした❣️で…久しぶりのMornigglass_Coffeeでゆっくり女子トーク。日差しが顔に当たるとイスを移動してしまうほど、お話しが尽きないですこちらのショップは、コーヒーもペイストリーも抜群に美味しいですよ〜️皆さんも気持ち良い1日をお過ごし下さいね️#ハワイ#マノア#朝活#モーニングカフェ#気持ちいい朝#アロハ The weather in the Manoa area is very changeable, but this morning the air was clear and stableSo…we had a relaxing girls talk at Mornigglass_Coffee after a long time.We had so much to talk about that I had to move our chair when the sun hit our face This store has outstanding coffee and pastries ️I hope you all have a nice Aloha Sunday️#Hawaii #Manoa #morning cafe #pleasant morning #Aloha