Good Morning Monday海中に捨てられていたペットボトルをみつけ近くのゴミ箱にポイ!お魚が泳いでいて、周りは綺麗な海だったのですが…ちょっとした気づきができて、なんだかいつもより素敵な朝のスタートが迎えられたようです❣️アロハな1日をお過ごし下さい#ハワイ#ハワイの海#自然#自然環境#未来#希望#アロハ#マハロ Good Morning MondayI found a plastic bottle that had been dumped in the ocean, and I threw it in a nearby trash can! Fish were swimming and the sea was beautiful around us…It was a nice little reminder and somehow made for a nicer start to the morning than usual❣️Have a great aloha day #Hawaii #Hawaii ocean #nature #natural environment #future #hope #aloha #mahalo