本日2回目のDeckホノルル動物園の真向かいにQueen Kapiolani Hotelの3階に位置しているDeck(デック)は、オープンエアーなカジュアルカフェレストラン❣️ハワイの爽やかな風を感じながら朝ごはんを頂けて大満足久しぶりに観光気分でご機嫌ですースタッフさんは皆んなフレンドリーで、私達のテーブルを担当してくださったバイリンガル女子のTomomiちゃんはとってもキュート朝からがっつりご飯と笑顔にたくさんHappy🧡を頂きました。ローカルフードのロコモコや日本のカレーも食べれますよ〜お味、サービス、雰囲気全て良し5つ星今日も1日頑張りまーす#ハワイ#ワイキキ#朝ごはん#日本のカレー#ロコモコ#フレンドリー#動物フレンドリー#ダイヤモンドヘッド This is the second Deck of the day.Deck, located on the 3rd floor of the Queen Kapiolani Hotel directly across from the Honolulu Zoo, is an open-air casual cafe/restaurant ❣️I was very happy to enjoy my breakfast while feeling the fresh breeze of HawaiiI'm in a good mood after a long time of being in the mood for sightseeing All the staff were friendly and Tomomi, the bilingual girl who was in charge of our table, was very cute We had a hearty meal and lots of happy 🧡 smiles from the morning.You can also try local food such as loco moco and Japanese curry Taste, service and atmosphere are all good. 5 starsI'll try my best for another day #Hawaii #Waikiki #breakfast #Japanese curry #locomoco#friendly #animal friendly #diamondhead