コロナ前までは毎年ハワイに来ていた友人夫婦が、コロナ後3年ぶりにハワイへ遊びにきましたなんと今年「金婚式」50周年を迎えたので、ハワイの出雲大社にお参りに行きたいという希望に私達夫婦+ブンちゃんも一緒についていきました結婚して50周年って凄い事ですよねー長続きの秘訣は…️"相手を変えようと思わない事。自分が変われば相手も変わる️"言うのは簡単だけど、案がい難しいんですよね〜🤣その言葉を聞いて、胸に刻んでおこう!出来るかな? でも完璧は難しいけど、意識する事は大切かなぁ〜と思いました。今日は人生勉強をさせて頂きました115周年記念御守り5点セットはお土産にいいですねそしてハワイらしい御朱印も素敵#ハワイ#出雲大社#金婚式#50周年#お祝い#感謝#仲良し夫婦#何でも言える仲#素敵なパートナー#マハロOur friends who used to come to Hawaii every year before Corona came to visit us for the first time in 3 years after Corona They wanted to visit Izumo-taisha shrine in Hawaii to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year 50 years of marriage is a great thing The secret to longevity is…"Don't try to change them. If you change, they will change too."Easy to say, but very difficult to do 🤣I'll take those words and keep them in my heart!Can I do it? I'm not sure if I can do it, but it's hard to be perfect, but I think it's important to be aware of it.I learned a lot about life today The 115th anniversary amulet 5-piece set is a nice souvenirAnd the Hawaii style red seal is also nice #Hawaii #Izumo Taisha #Golden Wedding #50th Anniversary #Celebration #Thanks #Good Friends #Good Couple #Everything You Can Say #Great Partners #Mahalo