皆さんは5.5.5呼吸法をご存知ですか?鼻から5秒吐く(お腹をへこませながら)、5秒息を止め、鼻から5秒吸う(お腹を膨らませながら)呼吸法の事です。呼吸だけが唯一自律神経をコントロールできるのです。自律神経のバランスが崩れると…•睡眠の質の低下•血流の流れが悪くなり、体力の回復が遅れる•集中力が衰える•お肌の乱れなど5.5.5の呼吸がリラックスの副交感神経と緊張の交感神経のバランスを程よく整えてくれます。ロミロミマッサージ中にもお客様に呼吸をとりいれます。(555呼吸法ではありませんが…)今日から5.5.5呼吸法で素敵な1日をお過ごし下さい🤟#ハワイ#朝活#呼吸#呼吸法#自律神経を整える#ロミロミマッサージ#素敵な人生#睡眠の質を上げる#アロハな1日を Have you ever heard of the 5.5.5 breathing technique?It's breathing out through the nose for 5 seconds (while letting your stomach cave in), holding your breath for 5 seconds, and breathing in through the nose for 5 seconds (while letting your stomach expand). Breathing is the only way to control the autonomic nervous system.When the autonomic nervous system is out of balance…-Decreased quality of sleep-Reduced blood flow and delayed physical recovery-Decreased ability to concentrate-Disturbance of your skin, etc.Breathing in 5.5.5 will moderately balance the parasympathetic nervous system for relaxation and the sympathetic nervous system for tension.During the Lomi Lomi massage, the client is asked to breathe. (It is not a 555 breathing exercise.)Have a great day with 5.5.5 breathing!#Hawaii #Morning Activity #Breathing #Breathing Technique #Regulate Autonomic Nervous System#lomi lomimassage#A Wonderful Life #Improve Sleep Quality #Aloha Day