今年はインスタを通して、たくさんの方々と繋がれた事をとても嬉しく思っています️たくさんの方々に支えて頂き、また温かいコメントなども頂き大変励みになっております。本当に有難うございました♀️2022年はさらにハワイの魅力やロミロミとヒーリングを通して、見て下さった方々が少しでも微笑んでもらえるよう発信し続けていきたいと思います〜来年もどうぞ宜しくお願いします。#ハワイ#大晦日#お世話になりました#年越しそば食べた#良い年をお迎えください#マハロI'm very happy to have been able to connect with so many people through Instagram this year️I'd like to thank all the people who have supported me and given me warm comments and encouragement.Thank you so much for your support!In 2022, I would like to continue to send out information about the charm of Hawaii, Lomi Lomi and healing to make you smile even a little I hope to see you again next year.#Hawaii#New Year's Eve#Thank you for your support #We ate New Year's Eve soba #Have a great New Year️#mahalo️