ハワイは明日26日(時差で日本は今日)暦の選日として"一粒万倍日"を迎えます️毎月4〜5回迎える事ができますが今月は明日が最後のチャンス。なぜ凄い日かと言うと、自分の言動が万倍になって返ってくると言われる日。何かを始めるきっかけに適した日とも言われています今日はワクワク〜します色々あり過ぎて…🥰ノートに書き出してみるのもいいかもしれませんね。皆さんは何をスタートされたいですか今日も良い1日をお過ごしくださいね️#ハワイ#暦#日本の文化#一粒万倍日#チャンス#穏やかに過ごす#アロハ Tomorrow, the 26th, Hawaii will be celebrating the "One Grain One Times One Day" as the selected date in the calendar.Tomorrow is the last chance to celebrate this day, although it can be celebrated 4-5 times a month.The reason why it's a great day is that it's said that your words and actions will come back to you tenfold. It is also said to be a good day to start somethingI'm so excited todayThere's so much going on 🥰There are so many things to do…🥰 You might want to write them down in a notebook.What would you like to start withHave a great day today️*About 一粒万倍日(Ichi-ryuu-man-bai bi)The meaning of ichi-ryuu-man-bai day is that you can get hundreds of times harvest from a grain of seed. So it’s believed many benefits are received from very little. It’s a good day to start a business, have your new car delivered, buy or start using a new wallet, buy a lottery ticket and so on. But don’t do bad things or get into debt since you may have to pay the original price hundreds of times over!Hawaii#calendar#Japanese culture#one grain day#opportunity#stay calm#aloha