昨夜の待機施設から見えた素敵な夜景もうこの絶景を見る事はありませんが、今日無事に自宅に戻り家族と再会できました〜自宅待機期間は、3月3日まで…お休みなさーい#日本#待機施設期間終了#自宅待機中#家族#会えて良かった#マハロ Lovely night view from Yokohama city last nightI won't get to see this view again, but I did get home safely today and reunited with my family The waiting period at home ends on the 3rd of March…Good night !#Japan#End of waiting facility period#Stayathome#Family#Good to see you#Mahalo
About The Author
Kuub Cosmetics