念願の伊勢神宮 豊受大神宮(外宮)へ参拝に参ります️ きゃあ〜ドキドキします天照大神のお食事を司る神の豊受大神をおまつりしています。内宮が創建されてから500年後に迎えられました。衣食住をはじめ産業の守り神だそうです。伊勢神宮に来れた事に感謝をしたいと思います#日本#伊勢市#伊勢神宮外宮#参拝#神聖な場所#正宮#感謝 I️ will go to Toyo'uke-no-Omikami at Ise Jingu Geku, which I️ have longed to visit. I'm so excited Toyo'uke-daijingu the deity responsible for Amaterasu's diet, is worshipped here. It was welcomed 500 years after Ise Jingu Naiku(Kotaijingu) was built. He is said to be the protector of industry as well as food, clothing and shelter.I would like to thank you for coming to Ise Jingu Shrine #Japan#IseCity#isejingugeku #Worship#Holy#Sacred#Main#Guest#Thanks