外宮正殿の参拝を終えて、別宮に向かう途中にパワースポットで有名な「3つ石」です。石に手をかざすとエネルギーを感じられるそうです❣️知らなかったからやらんかった🥲後で調べてわかりました。これを待ち受けにすると良いらしい〜 やる️ やる〜#日本#伊勢神宮外宮#パワースポット#パワー#エネルギー#3つ石 After visiting the main hall of the Ise JinguGeku(Toyo'uke-daijingu) on the way to the annex is the famous 'Three Stones' power spot.It is said that if you hold your hands over the stones, you can feel the energy❣️I didn't do it because I didn't know 🥲I later looked it up and found out.It is said to be beneficial if you use it as a standby screen for your mobile phone I️ will do it #Japan#Ise Jingu Geku #power spot #power #energy #three stones