参拝後はお腹が空いたので、外宮参道通りで2軒立ち寄りました。1軒めは、食べ歩き用のコロッケで人気の「豚捨」さん。私はミンチカツを食べました️揚げたては最高〜2軒めは、大正8年から、昔ながらの製法で作られた自慢のミルクを使ったプリンやソフトクリームの「山村みるくがっこう」です。特に女子に人気のスィーツのお店私は、ソフトクリームにあずきをプラスして大満足今日はたくさん歩いたので、カロリーは考えない事にしますね#日本#伊勢神宮外宮#外宮参道食べ歩き#人気店#食べまくる日 After visiting the shrine, I was hungry, so I stopped at two shops on the Geku approach road.The first was Butasute, which is popular for its croquettes for eating and walking. I️ had the minced pork cutlet.Deep frying is the best The second restaurant is Yamamura Milk Gakko, which has been serving puddings and soft-serve ice-cream made from its prized milk, which has been produced using traditional methods since 1919. The sweets shop is particularly popular with girls I am very happy with my soft-serve ice cream plus azuki I walked a lot today, so I won't think about calories #Japan#Ise Jingu Geku #Geku approach eating #popular restaurants #eating day