宿泊している神宮会館さんが主催の早朝参拝無料ツアーに参加してきます。ただ今6:20分️昨日から今朝の早朝参拝でワクワク〜で寝れなかった🤣でも朝風呂入って、気合い入れてきました行ってきまーす#日本#早朝参拝#雨降らず#ラッキー#ついてるよ I'm going to take part in a free early morning worship tour organised by Jingu Kaikan, where I'm staying.It's 6:20am and we're in the ministry.I couldn't sleep because I was so excited about this morning's early morning prayers from yesterday 🤣But I've had a morning bath and I'm fired upSee you later#Japan #early morning prayers #not raining #lucky #you're #lucky